A similar headline in the Bristol Post on 7th December 2018 must surely have created a certain amount of concern to rogue landlords. Could huge fines become the norm for landlords ignoring warnings about invasive weed infestation? Will this also open the door to prosecution for individual homeowners?
Failure to appear at Magistrates Court
The irony in this case is that the Landlord in question is actually a property firm who apparently failed to appear at the hearing at the Magistrates Court. The plant had been growing and causing a nuisance to the neighbouring properties for over 10 years. Finally Bristol City Council had had enough.
MB Estate Limited was served with a community protection notice in May 2017 but, after failing to comply, were prosecuted using the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
Cutting back is not a resolution
Great news, and it will make such a difference to the poor homeowners living nearby. BUT, and it’s a huge BUT, I was horrified to read in the article that the Japanese knotweed has now been “cut back”. As if this will solve the problem! If you are reading this post, by now you will know that cutting the japanese knotweed back may remove the green foliage that is visible, but with the rhizome still in the ground, and dormant over winter, all that will happen is that come spring, it will grow right back again!
TCM's solution to the problem
After viewing the images in the article, it seemed to the TCM knotweed removal team that it may have possible to gain access to remove the Japanese knotweed over the winter months, using a Dig Out and Soil Screening methodology. The only other alternative would be a Knotweed Management Plan to tackle the beast with Herbicide over a number of years. Meanwhile, those living near the infestation are going to struggle to sell those properties.
Our advice is always to call in the experts! Obtain the correct advice and start treating the infestation with the best possible solution for that particular site.
Oh, and a Happy Christmas to you all!
Doctor Knotweed