Invasive and Toxic - these are the two words that come to mind when we think about the Top 5 Worst Weeds in the UK Today. And there is a long list of common weeds to be found here. Not only are these annoying to have in your garden or on commercial land, they are also invasive (if left to grow without appropriate attention), and some can be dangerous to our health, and the health of our pets and animals.
TCM's top 5 worst weeds to look out for in the UK
So here's our worst weeds list in reverse order :
UK's worst weed #5 - Himalayan balsam
Himalayan balsam flowers are 'pretty in pink' but don't fall for its charms. This weed is incredibly invasive. In fact, each plant produces over 800 viable seeds which 'explode' from pods and can be carried up to seven meters away. Also known as Bobby Tops, Copper Tops, and Policeman's Helmet. If you have Himalayan balsam on our land that be aware that it should be removed as soon as possible.

UK's worst weed #4 - Rhododendron ponticum

Rhododendron Ponticum is another non-native invasive weed. It has poisonous foliage that is a real danger to our animals. Its height, along with its waxy dark-green leaves, will kill nearby plants by absorbing all available sunlight. Producing a large amount of seeds, this plants has now become a severe problem in certain parts of the UK. Branches can also grow to several meters and root themselves to further extend their growth area. Also known as Common Rhododendron, this is definitely a plant you don't want on your land.
UK's worst weed #3 - Wolfsbane
No, this is not a weed found in a Harry Potter book. In fact, Wolfsbane, also known as Monkshood, Devil's Helmet, and Queen of Poisons, is a very-real, seemingly-innocent plant. Containing extremely toxic aconitine in the roots and tubers, it is poisonous to humans and pets. Reports of poisonings are rare but keep an eye out for its large leaves and interesting looking 'hooded' purple flowers.

UK's worst weed #2 - Giant hogweed

Giant hogweed is perhaps the UK's most dangerous weed containing a highly toxic sap, so don't confuse it with its smaller and more friendly cousin, Cow Parsley, which will grow to about 1 meter. Giant hogweed can reach immense heights, up to 3.6 meters (that's 12 feet!) and that toxic sap can cause severe skin burns to humans and animals alike.
With this year's heat and all the rain, Giant hogweed has grown rapidly on common land and woodland, so beware when walking in the countryside, in nature reserves, etc. A brush with this plant could cause serious pain and suffering.
UK's worst weed # 1 - Japanese knotweed
Of course, you guessed it, Japanese knotweed is the #1 worst weed in the UK today. Although it isn't hazardous to our health, an infestation can damage your garden, home and mortgage - a truly expensive weed!
With stems looking like bamboo, Japanese knotweed leaves are shield-shaped and lush green in the summer, with cluster of white flowers to to try to trick you into seeing their beauty (and no doubt keeping them around). In winter, Japanese knotweed canes will brown and look dead, but don't be fooled. It will return in full-force next spring, causing more harm, and bringing heartache with it!

Some weeds are pretty, but these five invasive, toxic weeds are pretty ghastly to have on your land! Contact the TCM Team to discuss invasive weeds, including the infamous Japanese knotweed.